What search engines pay attention to

On the “authority” of the site in search engines affects a lot of factors, and external links – only one of them. Let’s see what else the algorithms pay attention to when ranking a web-portal:

Technical condition. This refers to the absence of errors in the code of pages, well designed and completed sitemap.xml and robots.txt files, the lack of duplicates, download speed pages and images.

Age and content of the site. The older the site – the better, but also take into account the history of changes. The algorithm should “see” that your site is growing, filled with content, and referred to by other portals. Quality and unique content within the site and the Internet has a huge impact on the site’s ranking in both Google search engines.

Content should be useful and give the user comprehensive information on his or her query.

Behavioral indicators. This is the time the user is on the site, the frequency of visits, the depth of page views, readability, the number of reposts, etc. Basically, these indicators are increasing due to the quality and virality of the content posted.

Usability (usability) of the site. This category is at the intersection of technical and behavioral factors. It includes the UX / UI design, the presence of “share” buttons in the right places, announcements of similar secondary content, internal relinking, etc.

Ways to promote the site without links

Before proceeding to the main ways of promotion, briefly describe how to optimize the site at the start.

When designing the site, pay attention to usability. Buttons should be in convenient places and in the right quantity, fonts – readable, the user should not perform unnecessary actions or “stumble” when surfing the site.

Promotion of the site without links to social networks

To attract social media users to your site:

  • Decide on a list of social networks that have your target audience and where you need a “presence.”
  • Depending on the type of business/website – choose the appropriate formats for social media postings (publishers, groups, communities, business pages, etc.).
  • Find out the types and formats of content that are popular with your audience (text posts, quizzes, videos, live events, etc.).
  • Create content that users are interested in on a regular basis. Promote it on a paid basis or by bartering it in other publishers and communities. Transfer users from social networks to the site.
  • Optimize the pages of the site so that users can freely and quickly navigate through it and make reposts on social networks.

Promote your site without links through a blog

Any type of business that sells goods or services can have its own blog. In fact, a blog is a small media in which a company publishes text, photos, audio and video materials. And site visitors read these materials, share them (if they find them useful), or make purchases.