One of the most important indicators to monitor when trying to determine how well your website is performing is organic traffic. Visitors that reach your website naturally, without clicking on sponsored adverts, come from search engines like Google. Google Analytics is a very useful tool for learning more about the organic traffic to your website. This post will show you how to use Google Analytics to efficiently view and examine organic traffic.

Why Track Website Traffic?

Monitoring website traffic is essential for having a successful online presence, especially in the digital age. The core idea that data is the compass directing your digital trip is the key to comprehending why tracking is crucial. You may get vital information about how people interact with, find, and traverse your online domain by tracking website traffic. This information sheds light on the success of your marketing initiatives, the results of your content strategy, and the quality of the user experience you offer. Your ability to recognize trends, spot problems, and arrive at wise conclusions will enable you to keep your website adaptable and active in the ever-changing digital scene. The purpose of website traffic tracking is to stimulate continuous development, boost user happiness, and help you reach your digital objectives. It’s not just about the statistics, though. Maintaining relevance and competition in the online environment requires it.

Before delving into the specifics of tracking website traffic, let’s understand why it’s so important. Website traffic data offers invaluable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences. Here are a few reasons why you should be tracking your website traffic:

  • Measure Success: Tracking traffic helps you gauge the effectiveness of your online efforts. You can determine whether your marketing campaigns, SEO strategies, or content creation are yielding the desired results.
  • User Insights: Understanding your visitors’ demographics, location, and behavior helps tailor your content and user experience to their preferences. This can lead to higher engagement and conversions.
  • Identify Issues: Traffic data can highlight potential issues on your website, such as high bounce rates or pages with low engagement, allowing you to make improvements.
  • ROI Analysis: If you’re running online advertising campaigns, tracking website traffic lets you assess the return on investment (ROI) and adjust your ad spend accordingly.
  • Competitive Analysis: By comparing your traffic metrics with those of your competitors, you can identify areas where you may need to improve or capitalize on your strengths.

How to Track Your Traffic in WordPress

Monitoring website traffic within the WordPress platform emerges as an indispensable responsibility for website owners and administrators who aspire to gain profound insights into their audience and establish a commanding online presence. Fortunately, WordPress offers an array of user-friendly tools and methods to facilitate this crucial task. Among these, the employment of plugins such as’s Jetpack or the Google Analytics for WordPress plugin is a widely favored approach. These plugins empower you to seamlessly integrate Google Analytics with your website, granting access to comprehensive data regarding user behavior, traffic origins, and much more.

Furthermore, WordPress itself boasts a built-in feature known as Site Stats, a valuable resource that offers users access to fundamental traffic statistics without the need for external software. By harnessing these resources, you open the door to a wealth of opportunities for improving your website’s content, refining your marketing strategies, and enhancing the overall user experience. These insights not only empower you to make informed decisions but also ensure the continued prosperity and adaptability of your WordPress site in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

It’s essential to know that WordPress offers its own set of analytics tools. To track your traffic in WordPress, follow these steps:

  • Install a Plugin: There are several WordPress plugins like Jetpack, and Google Analytics Dashboard for WP that make it easy to integrate analytics with your WordPress site.
  • Configure the Plugin: After installation, configure the plugin by connecting it to your Google Analytics account or adding your tracking code.
  • Review Analytics: Once set up, you can access website traffic data directly from your WordPress dashboard. You’ll see metrics like page views, top-performing content, and traffic sources.

How to Use Google Analytics to Monitor Website Traffic

Using Google Analytics to monitor website traffic is a powerful method for gaining in-depth insights into your website’s performance. To get started, you’ll need to set up a Google Analytics account and add a tracking code to your website. Once this is in place, Google Analytics begins collecting data on your site’s visitors, their behavior, and their interactions.

Google Analytics offers more comprehensive and detailed insights into your website traffic. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up Google Analytics:

  • Create a Google Analytics Account: If you don’t have one, sign up for a Google Analytics account using your Google ID.
  • Set Up a Property: Add your website as a property in your Google Analytics account. You’ll receive a tracking code.
  • Install the Tracking Code: Place the tracking code in the HTML of your website’s pages, usually in the <head> section. If you’re using WordPress, many plugins simplify this process.
  • Wait for Data: It may take a few hours or up to 24 hours for Google Analytics to start collecting data.
  • Explore Reports: Once data starts coming in, explore the various reports available in Google Analytics. You can view traffic sources, user demographics, behavior on your site, and much more.

Quick Tips for Website Traffic Tracking

Here are some quick tips to make the most of your website traffic tracking efforts:

  • Set up goals: Define specific objectives in Google Analytics, such as tracking conversions or sign-ups, to measure the success of your website.
  • Monitor real-time data: Keep an eye on real-time data to see how your site is performing at any given moment.
  • Use UTM parameters: Implement UTM parameters in your URLs to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and traffic sources.
  • Set up alerts: Configure alerts in Google Analytics to receive notifications when there are significant changes in your website’s traffic.

How to See Website Traffic on a Competitor’s Site

Seeing website traffic on a competitor’s site is a challenging task, as competitors typically guard such data closely. However, you can gain some insights by using a combination of publicly available tools and educated estimations. Start by utilizing online tools like SimilarWeb, Alexa, or SEMrush, which provide estimates of a website’s traffic, sources, and audience demographics. Additionally, you can analyze a competitor’s social media presence, engagement metrics, and search engine rankings to infer their online visibility and potential traffic. Keep in mind that these methods are not precise and should be used cautiously, as they offer only educated approximations. To get a more accurate picture, consider engaging in competitive analysis, focusing on content strategies, user experience, and marketing tactics employed by your competitors to gain insights into their potential success and areas for improvement.

While you can’t access a competitor’s Google Analytics data directly, you can gain some insights using other tools. Here’s how:

  • Use Competitive Analysis Tools: Tools like SimilarWeb, Alexa, and SEMrush provide estimates of a competitor’s website traffic, including key metrics like unique visitors, traffic sources, and engagement.
  • Study Social Media and SEO: Analyze your competitor’s social media profiles and SEO strategies to understand where they are getting traffic and what content is resonating with their audience.
  • Engage with the Online Community: Participate in forums and communities related to your industry. Sometimes, insiders share information about their competitors’ performance.

How to See and Analyze Organic Traffic Using Google Analytics

Step 1: Access Your Google Analytics Account

To kickstart your journey into the intricacies of understanding organic traffic, the very first step is gaining access to your Google Analytics account. Whether you’re a seasoned user or a newcomer to the platform, this pivotal task serves as the gateway to unlocking valuable insights about your website’s performance.

For those who are new to Google Analytics, don’t be daunted by the prospect. The process of creating an account and seamlessly integrating your website with it is remarkably straightforward. Google has designed the onboarding process to be user-friendly, ensuring that even beginners can navigate it with ease.

Once you’ve successfully accessed your Google Analytics account, you’ll be armed with a powerful tool that will allow you to explore the intricate web of data surrounding your website’s organic traffic. So, let’s dive in and embark on this enlightening journey of discovery.

Step 2: Navigate to Acquisition Reports

Once you’ve successfully logged into your Google Analytics account, it’s time to embark on the next leg of your journey toward deciphering the intricate world of organic traffic. Your destination on this data-driven adventure is the “Acquisition” section, a place of considerable significance in the Google Analytics ecosystem.

Located conveniently in the left sidebar, “Acquisition” serves as the portal through which you can begin unraveling the mysteries of your website’s traffic sources. Like an explorer setting out to chart unknown territories, you’re poised to enter a realm of insights and revelations.

Step 3: Explore the Traffic Acquisition Report

With the confidence of an intrepid explorer, you’re now poised to take the next significant step in your journey of understanding organic traffic. Direct your cursor boldly and click on “Traffic Acquisition” within the Google Analytics interface. By doing so, you’ll unlock a treasure trove of data and insights that will help you navigate the complex landscape of visitor acquisition.

The “Traffic Acquisition” report is akin to opening a magnificent atlas of your website’s traffic sources. It provides a panoramic view of the various channels that play a role in ferrying visitors to your digital doorstep. Within this comprehensive report, you’ll encounter a wealth of information that not only demystifies the origins of your traffic but also reveals the effectiveness of each channel in driving visitors to your site.

Step 4: Analyze Organic Search Traffic

As you navigate through the expansive terrain of the Traffic Acquisition report, your attention will invariably be drawn to the towering presence of “Organic Search.” This particular source of traffic holds a special place in the digital realm, often representing the lifeblood of many websites. To gain a deeper understanding of your website’s organic traffic, embark on an analytical journey by boldly clicking on this option.

Step 5: Review Organic Search Data

As you delve deeper into the Organic Search report, you’ll be greeted with a tableau of crucial information. Here, you’ll uncover the following gems about your organic traffic:

  • Keywords: This section serves as a digital archaeologist’s toolkit, unveiling the precise keywords wielded by intrepid users to excavate your website from the labyrinthine depths of search engine results. It’s akin to deciphering the language of your audience, providing valuable clues about their intent and interests.
  • Sessions: Think of sessions as the footprints left by the multitude of users who have graced your digital domain courtesy of organic search results. Each session is a testament to the popularity and reach of your content, casting a spotlight on the paths users tread on their journey through your online realm.
  • Users: Users are the protagonists of your digital epic, representing the unique individuals who’ve embarked on the organic pilgrimage to your website. They form a colorful mosaic, painting a vivid picture of your diverse online audience with their varying interests, needs, and behaviors.
  • Bounce Rate: This metric functions as a vigilant guardian at the entrance of your digital palace, offering valuable insights into the percentage of visitors who, like fleeting travelers, have made a hasty retreat after a cursory glance at just one page. A high bounce rate raises a flag of caution, signaling potential opportunities for content enhancements and a smoother user journey.
  • Pages/Session: Imagine this metric as a map of discovery within your digital kingdom. It encapsulates the average number of pages users explore during a single session, stemming from the bounty of organic search traffic. It’s a window into the depth of engagement your content commands, revealing whether visitors are merely skimming the surface or immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of your digital offerings.

Step 6: Set Date Ranges and Compare Data

In the dynamic realm of digital analytics, setting date ranges and comparing data is akin to wielding a time-traveling compass that allows you to navigate the ever-shifting tides of online trends. Google Analytics bestows upon you the ability to not only glimpse into your website’s past performance but also to peer into its future potential. By adjusting the date ranges, you unlock the ability to draw illuminating parallels between different time periods, akin to comparing chapters in your website’s evolving story.

Step 7: Use Secondary Dimensions

As you continue your journey into the depths of Google Analytics, you’ll discover yet another powerful tool at your disposal – the ability to incorporate secondary dimensions into your reports. When it comes to the world of organic traffic analysis, these secondary dimensions act as magnifying glasses, allowing you to zoom in on specific aspects of your data. Consider the following benefits and strategies when employing secondary dimensions:

  • Enhanced Insight: Secondary dimensions add layers of detail to your reports, providing a richer understanding of your organic traffic. You can explore various facets of your data by adding dimensions such as “Source/Medium,” “Device Category,” or “Geolocation,” which help you identify where your organic traffic is coming from, the devices they use, and their geographical locations.
  • Content Engagement: In the context of organic traffic, utilizing dimensions like “Landing Page” is particularly insightful. This dimension reveals which specific pages on your website are acting as alluring sirens, attracting the most organic visitors. By identifying these pages, you can optimize their content and layout to further engage your audience.
  • Keyword Analysis: For those keen on SEO, adding the “Keyword” dimension to your organic traffic reports can be enlightening. While Google no longer provides keyword-level data for organic search, you can still gain insights into the keywords driving traffic to specific landing pages. This can guide your content optimization efforts.
  • User Behavior: Secondary dimensions also enable you to delve into user behavior. Dimensions like “Page Title” or “Event Category” can help you understand what users are doing once they land on your pages, whether they’re viewing specific content or interacting with certain elements.
  • Conversion Pathways: Exploring dimensions related to conversions, such as “Goal Completion Location” or “E-commerce Activity,” allows you to trace the paths that organic visitors take before completing desired actions on your site. This information is invaluable for refining your conversion optimization strategies.

Step 8: Set Up Goals and Conversions

In your quest to measure the true impact of your website’s allure on organic traffic, Google Analytics offers a powerful feature – the ability to define goals and conversions. These act as your reliable compass in the vast sea of data, allowing you to pinpoint and track specific actions initiated by organic visitors. Here’s why setting up goals and conversions is a game-changer for your analytical journey:

  • Precise Measurement: Goals and conversions enable you to quantify the success of your organic traffic initiatives with precision. You can define what constitutes a valuable action, whether it’s a newsletter sign-up, a download, a contact form submission, or a product purchase.
  • Visitor Behavior: By tracking these specific actions, you gain insights into how organic visitors interact with your website. You can decipher which pages, content, or pathways are most effective in converting visitors into engaged users or customers.
  • Conversion Rates: Goals and conversions also allow you to calculate conversion rates, shedding light on the percentage of organic visitors who complete desired actions. This metric serves as a vital gauge of your website’s effectiveness in turning visitors into leads or customers.
  • Funnel Analysis: Google Analytics offers funnel analysis for goal tracking, which enables you to trace the step-by-step journey that organic visitors take before reaching a conversion point. This helps you identify bottlenecks or drop-off points in the user journey, allowing for targeted optimizations.
  • ROI Assessment: For businesses, tracking conversions is critical for measuring the return on investment (ROI) of organic traffic. You can evaluate the financial value generated by organic visitors, helping you allocate resources effectively.
  • Customization: Google Analytics allows you to customize goals and conversions to align with your specific business objectives. You can set up multiple goals, each representing a different aspect of user engagement or conversion, providing a holistic view of your website’s performance.

Step 9: Export and Share Reports

As your exploration of Google Analytics unfolds, you’ll find yourself at the threshold of a vital capability: the ability to export and share your meticulously curated organic traffic reports. This feature represents the culmination of your analytical journey, where the data you’ve gathered can be transformed into actionable insights, ready to be disseminated and harnessed for informed decision-making. Here’s why exporting and sharing reports is a pivotal step in your digital expedition:

  • Data Accessibility: Exporting reports allow you to extract the wealth of information you’ve uncovered in a format that suits your needs. Whether it’s a PDF document, a spreadsheet, or even a shareable link, you can ensure that the data is readily accessible for review and analysis.
  • Collaborative Insights: Sharing these reports with your team or stakeholders fosters collaboration and collective understanding. Your findings can serve as a foundation for strategic discussions, aligning everyone involved with a common vision and data-driven insights.
  • Historical Records: Exported reports also serve as historical records of your organic traffic performance. Over time, they provide a valuable archive that allows you to track progress, identify trends, and benchmark your website’s performance against past periods.
  • Customized Presentations: When sharing reports, you have the flexibility to tailor the information to your audience. Whether it’s a high-level summary for executives or a detailed breakdown for analysts, you can customize the presentation to suit the needs of different stakeholders.
  • Remote Collaboration: In an increasingly remote and decentralized work environment, the ability to share reports digitally ensures that your insights can reach team members regardless of their physical location. This promotes efficient decision-making and teamwork.
  • Documentation of Insights: Beyond collaboration, exported reports serve as documented evidence of the insights you’ve gleaned. This documentation is vital for accountability, allowing you to trace the origins of decisions and strategies based on your analytics findings.


Understanding how to see organic traffic in Google Analytics is crucial for optimizing your website’s SEO strategy. By regularly monitoring organic traffic data, you can identify which keywords are performing well, track changes over time, and make informed decisions to improve your website’s search engine visibility. Incorporating effective SEO practices and consistently analyzing your organic traffic data in Google Analytics can lead to increased organic search rankings, higher website visibility, and ultimately, more valuable traffic to your site. Start tracking your organic traffic in Google Analytics today and unlock the insights needed to enhance your website’s performance in search engine results.